
Friday, October 7, 2011

Think Pink

It's difficult to go anywhere these days and not see pink.  I was even in Lowe's Home Improvement store this week and saw light bulbs in pink packaging.  So, you know the lecture that's coming -- Early detection is key.  Get yearly mammograms and do monthly self-examinations.  My mom's cancer last fall was caught early with a mammogram and she is now cancer free!

Here are some of my favorite pink items I've come across on Etsy along with links to the artist's shops.  Just remember... holiday shopping is right around the corner!  These shops have lots of great items!

This pretty bracelet is by Little Green Room.  I love the combination of leather and metal.  Be sure to check out the other jewelry items - such cool designs and stampings!  

I love the colors and textures of this scarf by Fritzie Froodles!  The shop is filled with other pretty scarfs and accessories.

These hand-stamped spoons from Baby Puppy Designs are so cute and have such special messages.  You'll find more hand-stamped silverware and items in this shop. 

The Pig and the Peacock has a shop filled with fun soap, including these pink ribbon soaps.

God bless all of those affected by this disease.


  1. Thanks for including my scarf on your blog, Kathy. As a young survivor I appreciate you spreading the word on breast cancer awareness and early detection.
    Best Wishes,
    FritzieFroodle :)

  2. Thank you so much for including my cuffs on your blog! I too share your story and am so happy to say early detection was the thing that also saved someone very close to me. This is such an important subject! Thanks again~ Amy :) LittleGreenRoom
